Wednesday 5 August 2015

The story so far........

Since setting the children up with their screentime coupons two weeks ago, I have to say I am impressed. They choose when they want to have screentime and get their coupons out. The rest of the time they have been seen bouncing on the trampoline, playing with Lego, drawing, colouring, writing, playing board games together, playing with friends, and some TV/DVD time. So yes, it's good.

Last week we were away and we didn't take any devices except for ipad/tablet, which were used sporadically in the evenings. Otherwise, when having downtime at the youth hostel, they would be reading or playing games.

This week, my daughter was told by the dentist that she needed to stop sucking her thumb. I made her a thumb guard from some fabric. So tonight is night one wearing the thumb guard. She got frustrated in the evening when chilling and watching TV, but since going to bed she has been very calm and positive. She got up and settled with me for a short time, about 10pm, but after a couple of stories she was ready to go to sleep. And she'll still in bed now (at midnight).

Fingers crossed she'll be able to soothe herself if she wakes overnight.